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July, 25 2018 Art + DIY

Maker Studio: DIY Beach Fairy Garden

Everyone is creative! Today we’re taking our creativity to the beach with a fun activity the whole family can participate in! We’ve been wanting to make a fairy garden for a while and decided the beach was the BEST place for collecting and assembling a summer fairy garden. Ready to craft? Let’s go!


NOTE: Substitute any of the pretty things you find on the beach for the items below! i.e. you might find really pretty seaweed, grass or twigs you collect. This is about using what you find!

Guess what! There’s no right or wrong way to build a fairy garden! You could even build a sand castle as the home! Get creative! Check out the video below for some inspiration!

We decided to use some paints and sequins to glitz up my fairy garden but you can go ‘au natural’ or get even crazier with the paint and glitter!


Step 1. Collect items from the beach! Take a stroll along the beach and pick up anything and everything you want to use to make your fairy garden! Look out for shells, rocks, seaweed, coral, flowers, grass…YOU NAME IT!

Step 2: Create a base! If you are bringing your items home, make sure to bring a bag of sand. Spread the sand out on a plate or any other surface/container you wish to use. You could even build it in a sand bucket!

Step 3: Create your house! The first thing a fairy needs is a home. For my project, I made it out of toilet paper rolls and glued sand and sequins on them. You can build it OUT of sand (hello, sand castle!), use a milk carton, build it out of sticks..etc..

Step 4: Add your flare! Make your path to the house, decorate around the house with stones and shells, and embellish the house using your findings.